Taiwan Church News
Established in 1885, Taiwan Church Press documented in details the ministries and involvement of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) in church and society. Taiwan Church News Network (TCNN) was released in 2011, enables readers to keep track on first-hand church news on the internet.

Keng-sim Weekly
After releasing two trial issues, Keng-sim Weekly officially started in September 1996. It was a gospel ministry for churches to insert in bulletins, and gradually it has become a delicate spiritual publication to share testimonies and inspire hearts.

Reading the Bible with New Eyes
Reading the Bible with New Eyes Movement was launched by Christian Conference of Asia (CCA). Reading the Bible with New Eyes is to make sure that when we read the Word of God, it is deeply connected to the society where the church is in and to the people’s experience. The goals of Reading the Bible with New Eyes are: (a) The Bible is not just a subject to be scientifically researched, rather a message that is proclaimed by the living God in society nowadays; (b) The message of the Bible is proclaimed by God to release God’s suffering people.

Youth Shall See Visions
Youth Shall See Visions is published every three months. One can finish reading the whole Bible in six years by following the lectionary. The content of Youth Shall See Visions includes daily scriptures, “Sharing the Visions” and prayers. For Sunday’s section, there are introductions to specific people or explanations for certain terms. “Reflection with Action”, “Moment for Meditation” and “Interactive Page” are included in Monday through Saturday sections. Youth Shall See Visions uses a variety of pictures, articles and ways to interact to speak to youth’s heart and invoke thinking.